1. abs(x) - Gets positive value of x
Output : 1

2. ceil(x) / round(x) - Gets x rounded up to the nearest integer
       or,    document.write(Math.round(3.7));
Output : 4

3. floor(x) - Gets x rounded down to the nearest integer
Output : 3

4. max(x,y,z,....) - Gets the maximum value of the given arguments
Output : 10

5. min(x,y,z,....) - Gets the minimum value of the given arguments
Output : 2

6. pow(x,y) - Gets x to the power of y (x^y)
Output : 8

7. random() - Generates random number between 0 and 1
Output : 0.6635743035574985

8. sqrt() - Gets the square root of x
Output : 5